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Police Detail System



Manage Your Detail Business with Blue Note's

Police Detail System
  • Manage Customers, Officers and Details
  • Produce invoices, record payments, deposit funds
  • Create timely and accurate information for your Payroll System
  • Enjoy the advantages of a highly configurable and secure web-based system

This system provides for setting up and managing detail requests, assigning officers to details, recording the fulfillment of detail work, billing customers, recording the receipt of invoice payments, generating officer payment information for the payroll system and providing various management tools and reports for oversight, analysis, etc.

Detail requests are carefully screened to ensure integrity. Conditions that are checked include:

  • That the officer assigned is of the required rank and eligible for details.
  • That the officer has not already been assigned to a detail during the same time period.
  • That the customer has good credit standing.
  • That details with 'Priority' designation are assigned first.
  • Etc.

For more information, please contact:

Jim Noonan, President
  617 623-4700 x201