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Cambridge E-Line - A subscription service for those who live in, work in  or visit Cambridge

The City of Cambridge recently launched a new service offering, Cambridge E-Line, designed to leverage the City’s web presence to improve communications with people who live in, work in or visit Cambridge.

Cambridge E-Line offers City of Cambridge website visitors the opportunity to subscribe to various information available from the city.  Visitors interested in subscribing to this service follow a simple three-step process.

First, the subscriber registers with Cambridge E-Line by providing certain basic information including name, email address and a password.

Second, the subscriber selects the types of electronic notifications s/he would like to receive (via email).  These selections are made from three categories of information:

  • The E-Line Weekly Newsletter
  • E-Line Alerts
  • City Publications & Newsletters

The information categories selected by the subscriber are reflected in a separate shopping-cart like area.  Once the subscriber has selected all the desired options, the SUBSCRIBE button is clicked and these selections are recorded in the E-Line database.

The subscriber can return at any time and modify these selections.

Finally, the subscriber receives an email containing instructions on how to activate the subscription.  This process validates the email address provided by the subscriber.

It also instructs the subscriber to add the Cambridge E-Line email address in the subscriber’s address book so that email notification from E-Line will not run afoul of spam filters.

Once the subscriber’s E-Line subscription has been activated, Cambridge E-Line will generate the appropriate email notifications consistent with the user’s subscription choices.

The E-Line Weekly Newsletter is created and mailed on Monday of each week.  The Newsletter (example below) will contain all information selected by the subscriber from among the following categories:

  • Items of Special Interest
  • What’s New in Cambridge
  • The City Calendar for the Coming Week
  • Construction Updates
  • Job Openings
  • The City Council Agenda for the Coming Week

E-Line Alerts (example below) are created and mailed as necessary and can include Public Safety Alerts, Closings, Snow Emergencies, etc. as well as street cleaning reminders that help residents remember to abide by street cleaning parking restrictions.

City Publications & Newsletters are published periodically.  Subscribing to a periodic publication ensures that the subscriber will be notified each time a new edition of the periodical becomes available.

In summary, Cambridge E-Line provides each subscriber the tools to create an automated communication channel with the City – customized to the individual subscriber’s interests. 

E-Line is a powerful tool that Cambridge uses to serve its constituents information needs in a timely and effective manner.

Cambridge E-Line can be accessed from the City of Cambridge Home Page (http://www.cambridgema.gov/).